CTI Renovations Offers the very best in hardwood flooring and refinishing, a job we take very seriously as I have found on many, many jobs these refinishing projects are rushed and the end results are in my opinion quite poor. What I find is improper sanding and clean practices which leads to an unacceptable end result. CTI will examine the condition of the hardwood flooring, staining, and ware patterns to first determine whether or not the floor is a good prospect for refinishing before we would even start the project. Pet stains tend to go deep into the wood and leave areas of moderate staining. Also heavy traffic areas have deep ground in dirt which may require deep sanding, typically no more than a quarter inch of material should be removed in a typical refinish. CTI may go through a deep sanding from 30 grit progressively to a 120 grit sanding process of 5 progressive finer standings. After all the sanding is done, we spend several days cleaning all surfaces, from ceiling to walls and flooring to insure that there is no residual particulate which can get into the final finish. Next the floor is hand cleaned with TAC rags, removing anything which may remain. After all the cleaning is completed, we apply an oil base stain, according to the customer requirements, and left allowed to dry for a full day before applying the clear coat with the desired customer finish. The results are at the very least spectacular.