CTI Renovations provides an onsite visit to meet with you in order to determine the best course of action for your bathroom renovation project to get a general overview of what you would like to achieve as an end result, meeting all your requirements. CTI will also discuss with you any necessary upgrades to the electrical and plumbing issues which should be addressed to achieve the best possible end result. Items such as GCFI installed within 6 feet of any water, electrical in shower to provide for lighting, any upgrades to shut-off valves to be certain that they are in good working order. Also all other fixtures in the bathroom will be looked at and determining whether or not they should be changed. A comprehensive evaluation of the plumbing will be done to be sure there is no deterioration of the plumbing. Before any reconstruction is done we check for any residual mold issues are present and initiate a mold ratification process to insure a safe and mold free environment state exists.